Family planning
However you plan your family - whether you want children or want to protect yourself from an unwanted pregnancy - we will help you find the right treatment for you.
Birth control
During a personal consultation, we can find out the best contraceptive method for you.
In the following, we would like to give you an overview of common methods. We distinguish between hormonal contraceptive methods, i.e. those that are effective via the blood, and those that are locally effective.
Examinations within the framework of contraception are financed twice a year by the statutory health insurance funds. The contraceptives themselves must be paid for privately from the age of 20.
Hormonal contraceptive methods
Anti-baby pill
Combination preparation of oestrogen and luteal hormone with good cycle control and favourable cosmetic effect on the skin. Suitable for women of all ages without special risk factors.
Contraceptive ring
Plastic ring that is inserted into the vagina every four weeks and remains there for three weeks. Works like a low-dose pill.
Contraceptive patch
Patch that is applied once a week for a total of three weeks, e.g. to the upper arm or buttocks. Works like a low-dose pill.
**Mini pill
Low-dose corpus luteum hormone pill that is also suitable for women who are breastfeeding or at risk (e.g. overweight, high blood pressure, smokers, migraine patients). No cycle control, women are often blood-free for a long time.
Contraceptive sticks
Works like the mini-pill. Placed under the skin of the upper arm and can remain there for three years. Very high contraceptive safety.
3-month injection
Also works like the mini-pill. The luteal hormone is injected into the buttock muscles every three months (risk of haematoma or syringe abscess).
Local contraception methods
intrauterine system (hormone coil).
A small plastic carrier containing luteal hormone is inserted into the uterus during the period or a few weeks after delivery and can remain there for five years. Suitable for all women, especially women with heavy and painful periods. Very high contraceptive safety.
Copper IUD
with the active ingredient copper. Duration 3 years. Very often heavier and more painful periods. Good contraceptive safety.
Mechanical contraception methods
The condom is pulled over the male member so that the male semen does not enter the vagina. Very high contraceptive safety when used correctly and best protection against AIDS.
Surgical methods
Sterilisation of a man or a woman can be a sensible method of contraception if you are quite sure that you do not want to have children (any more).
Natural contraception
Natural Family Planning
Natural family planning (NFP) is popular again among many women today because it has no side effects. However, the safety of this method usually leaves a lot to be desired, but it increases the better a woman gets to know her body and the NFP procedure. For some women, the various devices and specialised calculators and mini-computers that help evaluate the natural signs of fertility can be helpful.
Natural family planning is not a contraceptive method - at best it indicates the infertile days when unprotected sex cannot lead to pregnancy. On the fertile days, on the other hand, if you want to have sexual intercourse, you must use another contraceptive (condom or similar).
If you would like more detailed information about the methods of contraception, please let us advise you individually.
Hormonal analyses
Women's sex hormones are not only used for reproduction, but are also a prerequisite for their mental and physical health.
Hormone diagnostics, counselling and therapy in the case of cycle disorders and especially during menopause are a focal point in our practice. The treatment is individual, with continuous monitoring of your hormone levels!
If you would like more detailed information about this special examination, please let our doctors advise you individually.

Pregnancy Prevention and care
Pregnancy is an exciting and expectant time with many joys and intense experiences in a woman's life and within a relationship.
We would like to provide you with information and advice about the process of your pregnancy care in our practice.
The statutory maternity care guidelines offer you a wide range of medically necessary services. This preventive care programme benefits you and your baby best if you make regular use of it. Continuous examinations are the prerequisite for recognising and treating pregnancy risks as quickly as possible.
In addition, further examinations and additional measures make sense if you want to provide yourself and your child with the highest possible level of safety (individual health services).
A good companion during pregnancy is the website eumom.de. In addition to a lot of information, after registering on "your page" you will find a pregnancy calendar up to the date of birth of your child.
Maternity check-ups
After we have established a pregnancy, a series of examinations will now take place.
The gynaecological examination is initially carried out at about four-week intervals and later - adapted to the course of the pregnancy - at shorter intervals. During the initial examination, the vagina and uterus are examined in addition to a detailed anamnesis (medical history). A smear is taken from the cervix and examined for chlamydia (a special type of bacteria), as a chlamydia infection can have an unfavourable effect on the course of your pregnancy.
The following examinations are carried out regularly at the screening appointments:
- Blood pressure measurement,
- urinalysis,
- Weight check,
- Haemoglobin determination (iron value)
Blood tests
At the beginning of the pregnancy, the blood group and the rhesus factor are determined and an antibody test is carried out. This antibody test is repeated between the 24th and 27th week of pregnancy and helps us to determine any blood group incompatibility between you and your child.
If the blood group characteristic "Rhesus negative" is determined, you will receive an injection between the 28th and 30th week of pregnancy to prevent a possible incompatibility. A test for venereal diseases and a rubella antibody test are also required by law. This is important because an infection with the rubella virus can lead to malformations in your child.
We recommend that, in addition to the statutory screening, you also have a test for HIV (AIDS virus).
After the 32nd week of pregnancy, blood will be taken again to detect any infection with the hepatitis B virus. Such an infection could lead to infection of the child during birth.
Ultrasound examinations
Three times during pregnancy, an assessment of the child's development by ultrasound is planned (so-called screening):
1st screening: 09-12 weeks.
2nd screening: 19-22 weeks.
3rd screening: 29-32 weeks.
With the help of these examinations, possible serious developmental disorders of the child can be detected at an early stage in many cases. This means that, if necessary, more specialised diagnostics can be initiated and the necessary therapy can be started. The maternity guidelines also provide for further medically justified examinations.
If you would like more detailed information about this special examination, please contact our doctors for individual advice.
Pregnancy Combi Programme
In order to be able to offer you optimal care from the beginning of your pregnancy until after the birth, we have developed a concept that comprehensively supplements the statutory preventive medical check-ups.
The aim of these efforts is to identify risks in the course of pregnancy at an early stage in order to be able to avert potentially serious consequences such as prematurity, diabetes or growth disorders.
Our programme includes the following services
- Ultrasound at every check-up,
- 3D/4D ultrasound, optionally up to the 15th or from the 25th week of pregnancy (please bring CD-R),
- Native smear test and measurement of the vaginal pH at every screening examination,
- Toxoplamosis serology,
- streptococcus smear in the last trimester of pregnancy,
- Vitamin D testing twice a week.
Optionally, you can extend this optimised prenatal care with a neck fold measurement (please ask for additional costs at the registration desk).
If you would like more detailed information about the pregnancy programme, please ask our doctors for individual advice.
Praena test
The Praena test is a non-invasive blood test that can determine a change in the genetic material of the still unborn child (so-called chromosomal disorders) from maternal blood.
Trisomy 13,18,21 can be determined/excluded with the Praena test. Sex determination is also possible.
For this purpose, 20 ml of blood is taken from your vein from the ninth week of pregnancy at the earliest, so that this procedure is safe for your child.
Hebammensprechstunde Immer dienstags von 14 bis 17 Uhr in unseren Praxisräumen.
Ab der 14. Schwangerschaftswoche empfohlen! Folgende Inhalte werden besprochen, auch individuelle Themen nach Wunsch:
z. B. Geburtsvorbereitungskurs, Stillvorbereitungskurs, Säuglingspflegekurs
Wahl des Geburtsortes
z. B. Informationsabend im Krankenhaus, Anmeldung Geburt
Dokumente beantragen
z. B. Geburtsurkunde des Babys, Elterngeld
Betreuung nach der Geburt
z. B. Wochenbettbetreuung
- Still- und Ernährungsberatung
- Gedeih- und Gewichtskontrolle des Neugeborenen
- Nabelpflege
- Kontrolle der Haut, Beobachtung auf Anzeichen einer Neugeborenengelbsucht
- Durchführung von Prophylaxen (u.a. Vitamin K)
- Blutabnahme für Stoffwechselscreening (PKU-Test)
Petra Öttl, Hebamme
We are happy to be there for you! Any questions?
Just give us a short message or let us know what's on your mind or what's bothering you.
If you have any questions for us or about us, go ahead!
We will be happy to get in touch with you and look forward to getting to know you.
Or call us via: +49 89 99740810
Online Termin vereinbaren
Appointment request
Order prescription or referral
Our consultation hours
We ask you to always make an appointment with us in advance. This avoids unnecessary waiting times so that you can be treated quickly at the agreed time.
Please also call if you have to come to us unexpectedly in an emergency.
- Monday
08:00–12:00, 14:00–18:00
- Tuesday
08:00–12:00, 14:00–18:00
- Wednesday
08:00–12:00, 14:00–18:00
- Thursday
08:00–12:00, 14:00–18:00
- Friday